Our Company Event Photos
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CLASSCFIED has presented and Introduced many events and productions to Southern California including our Promotional Tours, Marketing campaigns, Special shows, competitions and much more...We have partnered with metroPCS, US Services, Farmers Insurance, SPRITE, Coke, CSULB BSU/Student Councils andother groups and organizations.
Featured Photos: Fall 2017 Promotional Tours MORE PICTURE
Our Recent Work
Entertainment Services
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Archive Pictures & Videos(2006-2017)
CLASSCFIED Special events has produced and introduced many events,services and productions. Below are some of videos of events produced from 2006-present. We have events for youth, young adults and professionals! CLASSCFIED also partnered with sponsors, radio media and educational institutions.

STEPPING vs. Jerking Competitions

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click your favorite link! FEATURED VIDEOS | DAQUAD| Entertainment | OUR VIDEOS | CLUB MIXx

Fresh Empire is a Tobacco free National non-profit organization that promotes "Living Fresh and Tobacco free". CLASSCFIED has been a partner to Fresh Empiresince the first project in Los Angeles and Orange County in 2016. We have presented Free events with featured Artists such as ERIC BELLINGER | MICHAEL RAINEY JR (POWER) | THE NEW MB | MANI (RAP GAME WINNER) | SAGE | T.I. son DOMANI | MISS MULATTO | SANTO | RAYAN and more... Join Fresh Empire at the next FREE event. CLICK LOGO